Today is 26.04.2024, Name day Oto



We invite everyone to the 11th year of the New Year's hike to Babylon. Date 1.1.2022, meeting 10:30 at Mohelno 186. .


Photos from the 10th year of new-years tramp to Babylon.

2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013 2012 2011

Lion is waking-up every morning in Africa. He knows, that he has to run faster then gazelle, otherwise he will die of hunger. Gazelle is waking-up every morning in Africa too. She knows, that she has to run faster then lion, otherwise she will lose her life. When You wake up every morning, dont ask if you are lion or gazelle....just run.